Pazhayarai... Vadathali
  • I am aware of a renovation work in PAZHAYARI VINNAGARAM - (no...not Nandhipuram.. ) this is also known as RETTAI ANJANEYAR KOIL...

    I am not aware of the temple renovtion you are talking about.

    will check.

    Incidentally PAZHARAI @ PATTEESWARAM - THENU PUREESWARAR - is the Main Temple worshipped by the Royal chozhas...

    There is PAZHARAYA VADATHALI - which was found closed and covered under the Jain influence during Appar @ Navikkarasar period and was subsequently opened and put on worship by the local chieftan (Mutharayas ?).. say during 7th AD.. or so.

    This Pazhayarai Vadathalai was under renovation a couple of years back.. I think this is the temple under discussion.

    Let me get more details and revert within a week or so.

    Thanks for all the members showing interst,.

    regards / sps
  • The one we discussing about is the somanathaswami temple of pazhayarai.... this could be the vadametrali pobably..... the renovation is not happening fast coz of insufficiant funds...
  • > There is PAZHARAYA VADATHALI - which was found closed and covered
    > under the Jain influence during Appar @ Navikkarasar period and was > subsequently opened and put on worship by the local chieftan
    > (Mutharayas ?)..

    Dear sps

    Thanks for reminding about this wonderful temple. It is of Madak koil varierty if I remember correct.

    It is in this premises THAT APPAR DEMONSTRATED THE VERY FIRST KNOWN SATHYAGRAHA IN HISTORY, later to be taken up widely by Gandhiji.

    The local king was a chola - Pazhayarai continued to remain as a chola pocket in spite of all the changes all over Tamilnadu.

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