New Photos Uploaded - India - Lanka Bridge
  • Dear All,

    Have uploaded a couple of photos of the India-Lanka Bridge. They are in the
    photos section.
  • dear arun
    photos were great.
    these were taken during high tide and all land mass gets into the
    the photo in madras musings is in low tide when water levels are said
    to drop by 1- 2 metres.
    the 22 islands are seen in the pic.
  • Dear Sps
    i think this dance of shiva in kadambur is called the pradosha murthy

    year before last ( on new year)when i went to kadambur i was told
    some fanatic got in on dec 6th and with a hammer and broke an idol or
    two within the temple.
    i could not see this famous idol because they had locked it up for

    kadambur the god is called amrithakadeshwarar. the same in kodikarai(
    also called kulagesar). the first and last place mentioned in ps book
    both these temples are linked with the churning of the parkadal.
    however the more famous of the amritha kadeshwarar's is in thiru
    a temple in chola land that was built by a sinhalese and the pandyans.

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