Could Rajendra Chozha have differed over the Building of Periya Koil?
  • Dear All,

    I am in the process of reading "Udaiyar" by Balakumaran: A historical novel
    set during Raja Raja's time, dealing with the building of the Periya Koil.
    In it, Balakumaran creates an impression that Rajendra Chozhan who was
    located at Kanchi, was unhappy with Raja Raja's shelling out all the money
    to pay for builders "sirpigaL" etc. He was also unhappy about Sembiyan
    Madhevi's building of the temple (forget the place). Anyway, I was wondering
    as to what the other members here think about this assertion. To me, it
    doesn't look very far fetched. Think of it: A young impetuous Rajendra,
    wanting to cement his place in history, to go off and fight wars in distant
    lands comes up against a mellower Raja Raja, who in his latter years wants
    to devote his life to building the Periya Koil. Generational clash?:-)

    Interesting Nevertheless!!
  • I dont think so, Great Raja Raja, in fact shelled out the fortunes he got thorugh his war against Sathyaashreyan, Western Chalukya King, in contruction of the Periya Kovil.

    If shelling out money for constructing the temple, would have upset Rajendhra, he would not have chosen to create a new capital and construct a Temple, that has more fascinating Sirpangal, as compared to Thanjai Periya Kovil.

    Rajendhra Cholan!
  • Aaah.. but he probably built the temple at Gangaikondachozhapuram when he
    got to HIS middle age.. :) See his mindset might have been different then,
    especially after seeing how wondrous the Periya Koil turned out to be.. so
    you can't use that to say that he wouldn't have been unhappy about RajaRaja
    spending money earlier on. :)
  • Imperail Cholas, had been devotees of the Great God Shiva, right from the days of Vijayalaya Cholan, or right from the days of Kochengatcholan or may be even before.

    When Great King Raja Raja, ascended the throne, he was not young, as he witnessed the rule of Sundara Cholan, Adhithya Karikaalam ( not as King, ofcourse ) and Uthama Cholan. And hence If Raja Raja had consctructed the Periya Kovil, few years after his attainment as a king, I doubt the chances that Rajendhra was a even a youth.

    Even Rajendhra was old enough, when he became the king.

    Moreover, he had been brought up by his Athai Kundhavai and Sembiyan Maadevi in Pazhayaarai aranmanai. Both of them as ardent devotees of Great God Shiva.

    So, I doubt, whether, Rajendhra could have had those thought against constructing the Periya Koil.
  • Dear Arun
    I tottaly agree with Rajendra Cholan...If he had problems he wouldnt have built a similar one himself
  • Dear Sri,

    Ok.. here is my Scenario (or rather Balakumaran's).

    Raja Raja, when he decides to build the Periya Kovil is fairly advanced in
    age. At the same time, Rajendra who has had to possibly live longer in the
    shadow of his illustrious father (due to the whole Uttama Chozha episode),
    is chomping on the bit. He wants to go out and conquer far lands, to build
    his own reputation. He gets irritated that his father is pumping in the
    money that he would like to use for his military campaigns, to building this
    temple. It is a quite natural sequence of events isn't it?
  • But, Raja Raja, never stopped Rajendhra from fighting.

    During, Uthama Cholan's period, Even Raja Raja's hands were tied, but when he ascended the throne, infact many wars were won by Rajendhra, under the name, Panchavan Maarayan, (If I remember correctly, else, help me on this.)

    I would rather say, Raja Raja gave a full freedom to his son on War Campains. But, war expetition against Kadaaram, was different. The reason for the war, is not quite clear, and even Dr.Raasamanikanar assumes that, Rajendhra went this far to protect the intrest of Tamils living in Kadaaram. As the place was flourishing with trade, Tamils and Chinese, were doing lots of business. Kadaaram could not pose threat to the Great Chola Kingdom.

    Rajendhra Cholan!
  • Dear RajendraChozhan,

    Point taken. What I find interesting though is the fact that

    A) we can't say for sure that RajaRaja was wholeheartedly in support of
    Rajendhra's kadaram expedition (or are there sources out there which
    actually state that?).

    B) That being the case, could Rajendra's Kadaram expedition a kind of quid
    pro quo from Raja Raja, that is, "Ok son.. I will give you money to fight
    your war if you stop making a fuss about the temple I am building"? I am
    sure Rajendra and Raja Raja, despite being very close to each other had
    differences of opinion on how to run an empire.

    C) As to Rajendra himself building a Big Temple at Gangaikkonda..., maybe as
    he got older, he saw what his father had accomplished. And as they say, with
    age, wisdom dawns. I just find it fascinating that we don't look at history
    (at least Indian history) from the perspective of relationships.

    I mean to say, we deify our heroes, so to us RajaRaja and Rajendra were
    these super kings. But, they were human too. They had human relationships
    with people. Given a set of circumstances, I don't think how RajaRaja or
    Rajendra responded to them would be too different from say how you or I
    would respond. I doubt if human behaviour has changed all that much over
    time. :)

    Arun "Enjoying this kalanthuraiyadal" Krishnan
  • During Raja Raja period, Srimaaravijayothunga verma deva and Chudaamani verma deva, were given permission to built Chudamani Vihaaram. And hence, as per my opinion, there did not exist any problem in Relationship with Kadaaram.

    But, I doubt, whether Raja Raja was alive, when Rajendhra went on his Kadaaram expendition, at 1024-25 AD. And personally what I feel is, Rajendhra did not shift his Capital from Thanjavoor to Gangai Konda Chozha puram, till Raja Raja was alive. But, I dont have evidence to prove this.

    You are correct, for me RajaRaja and Rajendhra are not just human beings..:o)..let me try to defend until proven wrong...lets see...

    Rajendhra Cholan!
  • I agree with u Rajendra Cholan!

    I strongly doubt whether RajaRaja was alive when Rajendra wanted to go
    for the Kadaram expedition. Kadaram expedition happened after Ganges
    expedition and during Ganges expedition GKC was made as the captial
    and was waiting for the Ganges water for inaugration.

    As Rajendra Cholan said, Rajendra didn't try to shift his capital from
    Thanjavoor when RR was alive. So, it is very unlike that there was
    difference of opinion between them, during Periya Koil construction.
    That too, with Kadaram expeditions in mind.
  • Well ok, I agree the Kadaram expedition - Periya Koil link is farfetched and
    it is something I kinda made up on the spot. But wouldn't it be interesting
    to know if there actually were opposition from Rajendra for the Kovil? Maybe
    some inscriptions somewhere stating that the king diverted some funds
    earmarked for some campaign etc? Balakumaran goes on to say in the book that
    Rajendra was annoyed that the King and Sembiyan Madevi were doling out 2-3
    times the amount of money/day for artisans as were made by his soldiers.
    That is actually a distinct possibility what? The soldiers could have been
    grumbling over this largesse on the part of the King.

    What say?:)


    P. S. So far I seem to be playing Devil's Advocate :-)
  • On looking at The Great Raja Raja's expeditions. It started from the bottom most part of Thamizhnadu and marched towards North. That is from 'Kandhalur Salai kalamaruththaruli' to 'Irattaipaadi ezharai ilakkamum'.

    So fighting with Chalukyas, could have been on his final trails. And this war with Chalukyas, was fought, by noneother than Rajendhra Cholan, with 9 lakh invincible soldiers from Thamizh Naadu. He plundered the entire kingdom and came back with fortunes, women, horses, elephants..etc. But, as Chalukyas were also, powerful, there had been a continues fight between both the kingdoms, for many years after this.

    The fortunes, that Rajendhra Cholan, had come back with was spent, for Thanjai Pariya Koil, construction.

    But, I guess, by this time, Chola kingdom, should be the richest in India ( world ?), as it covered half of the present India. Though, there were money lost in wars, but, what was gained after conquest, should be much much higher.

    Logically, Creation and Contruction of Gangai Konda Chozha Puram, should be much much higher than construction of Periya Koil.

    Rajendhra Cholan!

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