• Hi;

    FYI i have just joined this group. I am an avid fan of Kaliki's
    Ponniyinselvan. I feel it is the third greatest Indian epic.

    I am an engineer. i was working with MRF Motorsports (car racing!!)
    for nearly a year. It was a very exciting job. I have travelled all
    over India during the course of this job and absolutely adore India
    and everything Indian.

    I am now planning to start my own Engineering firm here in Madurai. It
    is going to be called Kalki (what else!!).

    I have just now started reading Kalki's works. I am NOT repeat NOT an
    expert of Kalki. I wish to learn a lot about Kalki's masterpieces thru
    this group.

    I think that is enough about me.

    Anyway thanks for enrolling me in this group. Bye...
  • Hello
    This is Shobha Ramakrishnan. I first read Ponniyin Selvan at age 13 & am almost reading it once in at least every two years. I always knew there should be an unwritten group of readers of this inimitable work of Kalki, but came to know only recently about an organised group such as this.
    It is through Ponniyin Selvan that my interest in Chola history & temples was kndled. Also only after rereading it a few times did I start appreciating the works of saivite saints-nayanmars-& am now keen to visit as many thirumurai thalangal as possible.The keen interest in visiting temples is also due to the fact that my father served in HR&CE of the Tamilnadu Govt. & I have visited a lot of temples in my growing up years wit him &he still gives me a lot of inputs reg. various temples & the legends therein.
    I am happy to have joined this group & I do thank the moderator & members for accepting me into the same.
  • Dear Shoba
    A warm welcome into the PS family
  • Thank you Sridhar

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