Spectacular finds at Adhichannallur..
  • Dear All,

    I am posting this here assuming that all PS readers are also lovers of
    Tamizh History. Some spectacular finds including skeletons and early
    Tamil Brahmi script from about 800 BC have been discovered near
    Adhichanallur. More details at:

  • Thanks for the news, Mr.Arun.

    I have read that movements of human beings in this region -
    adichanallur etc - goes back by 1,00,000 years (Refer "Tholliyal in
    Tamizhakam" by Tamilnadu archaeological div).

    Humans have inhabited this place for a very long time. This new
    reference is stunning because it can shed light on pre-sangam age in
    tamil nadu about which we have little or no clue.

    It is only with such vital evidences will we be able to see if there
    have been any connections between Indus region and the south.

    I am sure Dr.Rajavelu would have read the scripts in the newly found
    tablets by now. Let us await further news in this direction.

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