temple machines
  • Hello;

    There was a program in History Channel the other day regarding small
    machines used in Grecian Temples to create awe among public. These were
    mostly designed by Heron a genius engineer during that period. He uses
    pretty much the same systems everywhere. namely Elasticity of Air. He made
    doors open automatically, idols talk, metals birds sing, 20 feet statues
    whistle, etc.
    They (the priests) also produced thunder, lighting and other tricks to
    ensure the pulic stayed away from the newly emerging threat of
    It was really incredible that such wonderful mechanisms were thought about
    by man some 2000 years back.

    We, in TN, were also similarly accomplished builders during that era. There
    was a thread in this group about the Temple Cars. Did we ever use such
    tricks? I think purely from a technological point of view, it would have
    been fascinating to read about such things.

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